
The Chinese EmoBank is a dimensional sentiment resource annotated with real-valued scores for both valence and arousal dimensions. The valence represents the degree of positive and negative sentiment, and arousal represents the degree of calm and excitement. Both dimensions range from 1 (highly negative or calm) to 9 (highly positive or excited). The Chinese EmoBank features various levels of text granularity including two lexicons called Chinese valence-arousal words (CVAW, 5,512 single words) and Chinese valence-arousal phrases (CVAP, 2,998 multi-word phrases) and two corpora called Chinese valence-arousal sentences (CVAS, 2,582 single sentences) and Chinese valence-arousal texts (CVAT, 2,969 multi-sentence texts). The scatter plots of the CVAW, CVAP, CVAS and CVAT are shown below.

1. Chinese valence-arousal words (CVAW)

Word Valence_Mean Arousal_Mean Valence_SD Arousal_SD
乏味 3.4 3.0 0.800 1.414
放鬆 6.2 2.0 0.748 0.894
勝利 7.8 7.2 0.748 1.166
痛苦 2.4 6.8 0.490 0.748
  • Valence/Arousal_Mean/SD: Mean and standard deviation of the valence/arousal ratings.

    2. Chinese valence-arousal phrases (CVAP)

    Modifier Type Phrase Valence_Mean Arousal_Mean Valence_SD Arousal_SD
    deg 十分有趣 8.222 7.063 0.533 0.390
    mod 應該開心 5.986 5.350 0.242 0.456
    neg 不喜歡 3.033 5.788 0.481 0.605
    neg_deg 沒有太難過 4.478 4.675 0.413 0.538
  • deg: degree (List of degree adverbs)
  • mod: modal (List of modals)
  • neg: negation (List of negators)
  • 3. Chinese valence-arousal sentences (CVAS)

    Text Valence_Mean Arousal_Mean Valence_SD Arousal_SD
    這是我觀賞過的最令人驚歎的演出。 7.000 7.750 0.000 0.433
    簡直是人生惡夢的開端。 2.600 6.750 0.490 0.829
    從小我經常覺得現實很無聊。 3.667 4.333 0.471 0.471
    過去他們很輕鬆地賺錢。 5.667 4.000 1.247 0.816

    4. Chinese valence-arousal texts (CVAT)

    Text Valence_Mean Arousal_Mean Valence_SD Arousal_SD Category
    很多車主抱怨新車怠速抖動嚴重----冷車時更嚴重。 3.250 5.667 1.090 1.054 Car
    房間裏黴味,煙味撲鼻,沒有窗戶通風,骯髒的地毯上的斑斑點點的污蹟,令人觸目驚心。 1.889 6.875 0.737 0.927 Hotel
    CPU顯卡也完全夠用,接口也非常齊全,總體來說很滿意! 7.143 5.000 0.350 0.816 Laptop
    飛安帶來更多保障,也提供旅客更安心的服務品質。 7.000 4.222 0.535 1.133 News


    Click here to download the 5-fold split of the Chinese EmoBank.


    Please cite the following papers if you use the Chinese EmoBank:

  • Lung-Hao Lee, Jian-Hong Li and Liang-Chih Yu, "Chinese EmoBank: Building Valence-Arousal Resources for Dimensional Sentiment Analysis," ACM Trans. Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, vol. 21, no. 4, article 65, 2022.
  • Liang-Chih Yu, Lung-Hao Lee, Shuai Hao, Jin Wang, Yunchao He, Jun Hu, K. Robert Lai, and Xuejie Zhang. 2016. "Building Chinese affective resources in valence-arousal dimensions. In Proceedings of NAACL/HLT-16, pages 540-545.

  • Contact

    Liang-Chih Yu


    Department of Information Management, Yuan Ze University

    Lung-Hao Lee

    Associate Professor

    Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University